Evangelizers in the midst of youth

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The document « Evangelizers among youth » was put in the hands of the Marist Institute in July-August 2011. It is intended to place the Marist Youth Ministry on a firm footing in all the Provinces and Districts and set evangelization at the heart of the Marist mission.

The document is organised in six chapters which lay out the basic elements for carrying out the Marist Youth Ministry:

  • Chapter 1: The world of youth and the gifts they bring to our world and the Church: « We go where the youth are ».
  • Chapter 2: The doctrinal framework of MYM: « I cannot see a young person without telling them how much Jesus loves them ».
  • Chapter 3: Definition and characteristics of MYM: « The Hermitage, our common home ».
  • Chapter 4: Teaching, pastoral and methodological options of MYM: « If the Lord does not build the house… ».
  • Chapter 5: Vision and hopes of the youth of MYM: « Good Christians and good citizens ».
  • Chapter 6: Networks, structures and encouragement of international links: « A heart that knows no bounds ».