12thEducation Days
The Institute of Marist Studies (IEM), in partnership with « Magisterios Luis Vives » of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, is organizing the 2nd Education Days (Salamanca, 7-8 April 2011). The days will treat of the method of approaching, in education, the culture and development of attitudes called 2.0.
Carmen González Franco will take part in one workshop and will deliver a conference entitled « TIC-TAC: Ways of teaching versus ways of learning ». Mme Carmen González won the « Bitácoras.com 2010 » prize for the best education blog in 2010, and further received the prize « Profesores imprescindibles » (Indispensable Teachers) in January 2011. She is teaching at the « Colegio Marista » in Salamanca.
The « Café-Coloquios » (Café-Colloquies), which EIM organises periodically, were held recently. Marist representatives from three countries took part :
- Marist Presence in Africa: Mozambique
Br. José Antonio PASCUAL GUTIÉRREZ. Marist missionary inMozambique. - Life and Mission in Cuba
Br. Jesús BAYO MAYOR. Marist missionary in Cuba. - Mission Ad gentes Programme
Br. Antonio SÁNCHEZ LOZANO. Marist missionary inVietnam
The « Café-Coloquios » of IEM are intended to be a meetings on topics relating to the Institute, where guests and participants reflect, debate and exchange in order to promote mutual rapprochment and knowledge with a view to tightening common bonds.