2017-10-20 COLOMBIA

20th October 2017

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This morning’s first session was devoted to voting on the few remaining articles and statutes in Chapter 5 of the revised Constitutions. Brother Josep Maria Soteras also presented the results of yesterday’s voting on chapter 4 and 5 of the revised Constitutions. The Chapter website and applications used by capitulants during the Chapter will continue to be available to participants to facilitate access to documents and ongoing dialogue.


Next steps for the Constitutions and Statutes

In a vote taken by capitulants, the General Chapter charged the General Council post-chapter to make the necessary adjustments to the approved text of the revised Constitutions and Statutes, so the Institute may obtain the necessary approval of the Holy See. After the Constitutions gain this approval, the General Council will then publish the Constitutions and Statutes in the 4 main languages of the Institute.


Rule of Life

The General Chapter also voted to entrust the General Council with the final wording of the provisionally called ‘Rule of Life’ document as its proper law, according to the schema, content and guidelines accepted by the Chapter as the base text. The General Council will also see that this document is edited and published in the 4 official languages of the Chapter. Any future modifications and adaptations of the ‘Rule of Life’ text will come under the authority of the General Chapter.

The Chapter also recommended that the General Council set up a team of Brothers and Lay people to prepare a text for the second part of the ‘Rule of Life’ that will describe the essential elements of Marist charism and spirituality, specifying how each vocation, according to established basic criteria, helps develop Marist life and mission, especially in their shared spaces.


Second morning session

The second session began with the capitulants approving the Chapter Minutes of the final week.

The six young brothers who were invited to participate in the General Chapter, presented their stirring message to the capitulants: "a message of gratitude, an expression of our lived experiences and some concerns"

Message of the Young Brothers invited to the Chapter: Engish | Español | Français).


Closure of the Chapter

At the beginning of the final afternoon session of the XXII General Chapter, Brother Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, gave his closing address to all those associated with this General Chapter, all the members of the Institute and all those associated with Marist life and mission throughout the world. Brother Ernesto then declared the XXII General Chapter closed.

The Chapter concluded with a Eucharistic celebration thanking God for all the graces and outcomes achieved during these past 43 days in Rionegro, Colombia. All those associated with the General Chapter community, together with novices and Brothers from Medellin joined in a festive dinner to celebrate the closure of the Chapter.



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