2016-03-15 NIGERIA

48 Brothers from 13 communities gather in Orlu

Although the official closure of the Year of Consecrated Life was on Feb. 2 at the Vatican, the Province of Nigeria formally ended it with a celebration on March 5. 

Forty-eight brothers gathered at the Marist Formation Centre in Orlu, Nigeria, from 13 communities of the province. 

Provincial superior Brother Joachim Ezetulugo made the opening speech, in which he stressed the importance for the Brothers to keep their religious consecration and encouraged them to stay faithful to their religious commitment.

Brother Andrew Iwuagwu presented a reflection paper on the Year of Consecrated Life in which he recalled the activities that had taken place in 2015 in Rome as well as in Nigeria’s different dioceses and religious congregations.

Br Andrew underscored the importance for Brothers to remain steadfast in their religious journey.

During the celebration, Marist postulants played traditional songs.


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