2021-09-15 GENERAL HOUSE

4th meeting of the review team of the document “In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat”

The fourth meeting of the team on the review of the Marist Vision on Education: In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat, A vision for Marist Education Today took place online on the 8th of September 2021.

The Director of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization, Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas gave an update of the teams work since inception and enjoined all to key into the new phase of the task.

The open session of the meeting led the team members to discussing the question on whether the document should be reviewed or rewritten. Having read the document and seeing its relevance to the Marist mission today, members agreed to review, expand, and adapt it to the current trends in the society and the Marist world.

The high point of the meeting was the readiness of the team to work hence an introduction to the next assignment dwelling on the environment and event in the Marist world that will affect Marist life and educational values.

The focus of the team for the next session will be the following: 
  • Objective: To begin the study of the “external” context that influences and affects the Marist mission. 
  • Scope: the team will seek to explore the current “DARK CLOUDS OVER A CLOSED WORLD” and how to “THINK AND GESTATE AN OPEN WORLD” and project the way this influences the Marist mission currently and in the future. This is inspired by part 1 (9-53) and part 3 (87-127) of “Fratelli Tutti” an encyclical of Pope Francis on the important topic of Brotherhood (We All are Brothers).
  • They will work in pairs of (2) volunteering to study the selected topic and to highlight the elements that have the greatest impact on the Marist mission today. 

the future of the mission is dependent on the collective effort of all Marist of Champagnat to innovate and adapt to the trends that will keep the charism alive at the service of children and young people. All are called to collaborate with the team reviewing the document to make the exercise a success.


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