2008-06-19 PAKISTAN

6 June

On 6th of June Marists all over the world celebrate Champagnat Day. The teachers and the students of Sargodha Catholic High School too commemorated the death anniversary of their founder in a simple but impressive manner.

The day started with Holy Mass. It was followed by songs, skits and dances by the school children. The drama presented by the Champagnat club boys was outstanding. The story was about a boy who was ill-treated by some of his teachers since they thought that he was not intelligent. The boy hated studies and school was a place where he didn?t want to set his foot in. But a teacher with the Founder?s vision tried to make the child realize that he was a precious gift of God. With patience, love and care he helped the child to discover his hidden talents. The ultimate result was the boy becoming an outstanding student in the aesthetic field and completing his school life successfully. He goes to the world with confidence at the same time making his teachers and school mates proud of him.

The first part of the programme ended with the distribution of prizes for various activities done during the term. Gifts were given to classes with Best attendance, Discipline, Making Best Effort and Best Notice Board. Individual prizes were given to students who scored high marks in the weekly General Knowledge Competitions of Primary, Junior and Senior sections.

The Principal spoke of how much Marcellin wanted his Brothers and those who followed his charism to love every child, especially the most neglected. He admired the students for their courage in trying to overcome the many obstacles they had in their lives and thanked the staff for guiding them with love and affection.

A special word of gratitude was offered to all those friends in different countries who think of the Sargodha Catholic High school community and help in various ways to enable the students to pursue their education till the end of High School level.

The day?s events ended with class parties celebrating the brotherhood and harmony every person in school has with one another.

Brother Shanthi


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