648 persons surrounded by friends
The grand fiesta of CMS (Centre Marista d’Scouts) was celebrated on 21 and 22 April with the General Meeting. Our practice is every two years to all come together for a weekend of 100% Marist scouting.
It was for this that 'Castores', 'Nutrias', 'Lobos', 'Dainas', 'Rángers', 'Guías', 'Pioneros', 'Carabelas', 'Róvers' and Monitors made up the marvellous figure of 648 persons prepared to spend a weekend of amusements, scouting, living together and learning surrounded by the friends we have known from Easters and past encounters.
The 'Grupo Escolta Champagnat' (Badalona) was in charge of organizing this year’s General Meeting, and did a great job. They prepared games, plays, celebrations, concerts, a major game, and intended that we all pass it in the best way possible and have a great weekend. We take this opportunity to thank them for their work!
Those who could not attend the General Meeting could follow it minute by minute. Through our Twiter @CMS_oficial they could see potos and know what was happening at every moment. There were many who sent us compliments and greetings through twiter.
It has been a great satisfaction to be able to reunited with the great family of the 'Centro Marista de Escultismo'. We are many and very diverse, and for this reason we enrich one another. We are looking forward, therefore, to the next opportunity, which will be the General Meeting of 2014 to be organized by the A.E. Arrels (Mataró).
Riu amunt! Tant com puc! Sempre a punt! Servim! (Upstream! As far as you can! Always on point! Let us serve!)