8-14 February 2017
The coloured buds in the trees and the warmer days are just some of signs of the coming Roman Spring which welcomed the members of the International Commission of Brothers Today to the General House. The eleven brothers representing each of the regions of the institute share various responsibilities in the various expressions in the animation of the Brothers life.
The members of the Commission are:
- Br Vincent Abadom – Formator at the Kumasi Novitiate – Nigeria
- Br Márcio Henrique da Costa – Vocation Ministry – Brasil Centro-Norte
- Br Cyprian Gandeebo – Formator at MIC (Marist International College) – West Africa
- Br Hipólito Pérez – Secretariat of Brothers Today
- Br Luis Felipe González – Province Leadership and Formation – México Central
- Br Tony Leon – Secreatriat of Brothers Today
- Br Óscar Martin – Formator at Matola Novitiate – Compostela
- Br Peter Rodney – Formation at MAPAC (Marist Asia Pacific Centre) – Australia
- Br Ernesto Sánchez – General Councillor
- Br Lindley Sianosa – Province Leadership and Formation – East Asia
- Br Sefo Une – District Leadership – Pacific
During this week, this inter-cultural group shared the regional realities of Initial Formation, explored ways of raising awareness in Child Protection during initial formation as well as learning about the recent Vocation Animators program at the end of 2016.
The commission had the opportunity to meet the new brothers of the Mission Secretariat, Br Carlos Alberto Rojas and Br Mark Omede as they updated our understanding of the New Models.
With awareness of the many developments of the Institute, a core group of brothers were invited to begin the preparation of a new initiative: A Gathering of African Marist Formators in Nairobi in July this year. The practical experiences of the three brothers working in Africa along with the collective wisdom of the whole commission germinated many ideas to encourage best practices for the abundant vocations in this region.
We were also blessed with the presence of the directors of Ongoing Formation from El Escorial, Br Antonio Peralta and from Manziana, Br Dennis Cooper. With deep fraternal conversation, we listened, questioned and proposed ways of providing relevant and creative ways of nurturing the continuing formation of brothers for a fruitful New Beginning.
Br Tony Leon – Secretariat of Brothers Today