2018-09-05 COLOMBIA

A global charismatic family, a house of light

The first meeting of Marists of the central region of Colombia was held on Aug. 19, in the city of Ibagué. It is made up of the community of brothers and the lay group Hijos de la Buena Madre de Villavicencio (Sons of the Good Mother of Villavicencio); the community of Brothers of Ibagué and the lay group of this same city and the communities of the Brothers of the Provincial House and the Scholasticate, accompanied by the group of lay people Sons of Mary and the lay fraternities Parents of the Champagnat school and the fraternity Familia de María (Family of Mary), all of them residents in Bogotá.

During the meeting with brothers and lay people, the groups and fraternities handed the brothers the book “Proyecto de Vida En Fraternidad” (Project of Life in Fraternity) of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family.

This gesture that the Marists of Champagnat experienced aimed at being an expression of the commitment to accompany and care for the respective vocations, turning the communities and fraternities into a house of light and into privileged places to develop and accompany the Marist vocation.



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