A life-giving experience!
From 10 different countries, we, 10 participants to Mid-life Renewal Program started our journey together at Manziana on the 27th January 2013. As we prepare ourselves to return to our various countries, we recall with joy and gratitude what has been our experience of living together during 4 months and half.
Mid-life Renewal Program has been:
1. A time for a greater awareness of our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing. During our busy life in communities and ministries, there is less time to reflect on how we are affected by our losses, separations, and various experiences of transition as human and consecrated religious.
2. A time of an interior pilgrimage in order to be in touch with past and present experiences and our dream for a better future with God’s help. The fact of having enough time for reflection and prayer made possible to notice God’s presence in our lives and to cherish our belonging to Marist Family and to the Church. The experience has been a golden opportunity to reclaim our identity as Marist by rediscovering its beauty and uniqueness in the Church. Yes, with Mary, our ordinary resource and model, we are called to live our life as events unfold, always trusting in God. And on this journey, Champagnat is a real spiritual guide!
We go back to our respective communities with a strong desire to be brothers with an apron as our uniform, deeply convinced that we are God’s instruments in our different ministries. Short but indispensable, our journey has been a source of revitalization of our vocation. Now, by experience, we know that it is possible to live really as brothers in an international community. We are grateful to all those who made possible this opportunity for us.
Brother Arthur Ganiza