?A Marist network in Europe today?
The European Marist Conference (CEM), in its mission to animate the Marist region of Europe, held another of its meetings from April 25 – 27.
This time, following a rotation of Provinces, the Iberica province hosted it. The place was the Provincial House in Alcalá de Henares.
The representative members of the five Provinces of the continent participated in the meeting:
Iberica – Brothers Moisés Alonso (provincial) and Alejandro Mena, West Central Europe – Brothers Brendan Geary (provincial) and Gerard de Haan, L’Hermitage – Brothers Pere Ferré (provincial) and Mattheos Levantinos, Mediterranea – Brothers Juan Carlos Fuertes (provincial) and Damiano Forlani, Compostela – Br Tomás Briongos (provincial). Br António Leal was unable to attend, since he is currently in the formation team in El Escorial. Also present were the Brothers who are the link General Councillors for Europe, Brothers Ernesto Sánchez and Antonio Ramalho, and Brother Teófilo Minga, who is the CEM secretary. Brothers Fabrício Galiana and Jesús A. Rodríguez collaborated as translators.
The work began with a theme of reflection: A network of Marist Mission in Europe today.
The presenter was Daniel Irazola, director of the Marist Center of Durango (Iberica). Considering a network as a connection full of possibilities, he asked the group questions as to how the network was created and for what reason. He talked about the process of creating a network and how to develop all its possibilities, starting off with a “community of collaborators.”
During later sessions, the CEM analyzed the activities and proposals of its various teams, listening to their respective coordinators: Br Gabriel Villa-Real (Mission, Protection of Minors), Br Lisardo (Youth and Vocation Ministry), Br Aureliano (Brothers Today) and Joseba Louzao (Communion of Lay-Brothers).
Other matters dealt with were: a Marist vision for Europe and the definition of the Secretariat of the new European Mission Council, the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family, the celebrations of the Bicentenary and the next General Chapter, the European Network of Communities, the new International Communities (the one that already exists in Syracuse, Italy, and the second to be created in Romania). In the end, several practical aspects of CEM came to the fore, being the object of conversation and decision.
The dynamics of the meeting included a cultural trip and conviviality in the city of Toledo, as well as various celebratory moments.