A single national structure
The two Australian Provinces of the Marist Brothers announce their intention to move towards establishing, within two years, a single national structure for exercising their leadership, animation and governance responsibilities (where applicable) for schools that are in the network of Marist Brothers schools.
The new structure will aim to support more effectively the continuity and growth of our form of Marist education as established by St Marcellin Champagnat, and which has helped to shape the mission of over fifty Marist schools at the service of Catholic education in Australia, as well as others in eighty countries around the world.
We are also determined to take forward our commitment to co‐responsibility between Brothers and lay Marists.
We see value in this being a national structure because a united approach will give strength and coherence to individual schools in their ongoing collaboration with other educational authorities. A national structure also better positions us to respond to developments and initiatives at national and international levels.
The structure will require:
* The recognition of the canonical responsibilities of the Provincial and Council of each Province.
* A single council appointed by the Provincials through which they will exercise their canonical and civil governance of schools.
* A national office to carry out the executive functions of the council, with contacts for each State.
* The appointment of a chief executive officer.
* A reference group comprising the Provincials of each Province and their nominees.
The council will be established and constructed in such a way that would allow it to evolve into an incorporated body should that be desired in the future.
The council will determine the future of the independent Province Offices. The impact of this decision on AMSA will emerge from consultations with Principals and the Standing Committee of AMSA.
Over the next eighteen months, there will be briefings, planning meetings and consultations to develop the specific shape and detail of the new national structure.
Br Julian Casey, Provincial of Melbourne
Br Jeffrey Crowe, Provincial of Sydney
May 21, 2008