A Weekend with the Laity of the General House
The Secretariat of the Laity, active all over the Institute, does not forget the animation of those laity closest to it, the ones in the General House.
In the two years since the collective experience at the Hermitage, there have been proposals for times of reflection and sharing with the Brothers: in preparation for the Assembly in Nairobi, the beatifications of our Martyrs, the periodical reports of the General Council, celebrations in common… What has been missing has been another longer experience of “enlarged community”.
It was precisely this we had from 13 to 15 June at Ariccia, near Rome, amid the splendid scenery of Lake Albano.
Ten of us, 7 laity and 3 Brothers, shared our stories, our deep convictions, our experiences of life and work… all in the light of the Marist charism.
It was beautiful to show photos and stories of our families, to speak about our formation, growing up, choice of life, our encounter with the Marist charism, to come to know each other better and break the barriers which our “roles” in daily life inevitably create.
The central day was Saturday 14 June: truly a full one in all senses, based on 4 stages in the life of Marcellin: the “Montagne” experience, the table of La Valla, the Good Mother, the Hermitage.
Like Marcellin in front of Jean Baptiste Montagne (the boy of 16 dying in complete ignorance in matters of faith), a meeting which changed his life, as his biography says, we looked in the eyes of many children and young people suffering and dying in the same conditions in the world of today…
We contemplated the table of La Valla, constructed by the hands of Marcellin, around which he and his first young men ate, shared, prayed, studied, listened…
We heard about and meditated on the love for Mary, the “Good Mother”, presented by Marcellin as the model of every educator, but also as the “Ordinary Resource” for him and the first Brothers.
Finally, in looking at the great house of the Hermitage, renovated and made more expressive and welcoming (we all had vivid memories of the visit of 2012), we entered on the topic of the coming Bicentenary, presented by Br Emili as “a new beginning” for the Marist Institute, when some things will be demolished, some new things created, and everything brought up to date and adapted to the Church and the world of today.
And all of us (especially us!) who live and work in the General House, heart of the Marist world, have to be artificers of this process of renewal and modernity of the mission to the young of today.
Profound reflection and simple moments of “family” life, finding place for good eating, laughing together, watching the World Cup at midnight… with liberty and spontaneity.