Activities in Rome and beyond
Here is a glimpse of the General Council?s calendar for the next couple of months
Activities in Rome:
* Regular Council meetings: 17th March and 11th April.
* Visit to the Community of the General Administration: Brothers Luis Sobrado and Pedro Herreros, from the 1st to the 7th March.
* Visit to the International College: Brothers Luis Sobrado and Emili TurĂş, from the 8th to the 11th March.
Activities away from Rome:
* Brother Seán: from the 27th February to the 10th March, participation in the formators? course in Nairobi. After this, until the 19th March, he will visit the Province of Afrique Centre-Est / East Central Africa.
* Brother Luis G. Sobrado: from the 18th until the 25th March, participation in the formators? course at Nairobi.
* Brother Antonio Ramalho: from the 28th February until the 4th April, he will visit the Novitiates and Pre-Novitiates of Africa. From the 19th until the 25th April, he will participate in the meeting of Marist Apostolic Spirituality networks in Latin America.
* Brothers Maurice Berquet and Théoneste Kalisa: from the 6th March until the 13th April, they will visit the Province of Afrique Centre-Est / East Central Africa and participate in their Provincial Chapter.
* Brother Pedro Herreros: from the 24th until the 30th March, he will meet with the Provincial Councils of Cono Sur.
* Brother Peter Rodney: from the 10th until the 14th April, he will participate in the formators? course at Nairobi. From the 17th to the 23rd April, he will participate in the Provincial Chapter of Europe Centre-Ouest / West Central Europe.
* Brother Emili TurĂş: On the 1st March, in Spain, there will be the formation of the team for the beatification of our martyred brothers in this country. On the 15th and 16th March, there will be a meeting in Geneva for the implantation of a Marist community in this city. From the 22nd to the 25th March, he will visit Greece. From the 23rd to the 20th April, he will be at a retreat with the brothers from Lebanon and Syria.
* Brothers Peter Rodney and Emili TurĂş: There will be a meeting with the Provincial Council of the Philippines and with the District Council of Korea during the first week of April.
* From the 17th to the 22nd April, there will be a meeting of the International Commission that will prepare a document on the Vocation of the lay Marist.