Advocacy for children?s rights
FMSI was invited by the Mission Secretariat of the Marist Institute to participate in the first meeting for the school leaders’ formation, held in Florianopólis, Brazil. The leaders of all the Marist schools of the American continent were present at the meeting. The participants were invited to reflected on various themes which, if put into practice, will help the leaders improve the management of the Marist schools in the Americas.
On behalf of FMSI, Br. Jim Jolley and Br. Manel Mendoza, respectively the Director for Child Rights Advocacy and Training and the Advocacy Officer for Child Rights of FMSI Geneva office, attended the meeting. They were asked to share with the other participants at the conference their experiences and reflections and provide information on the objectives of the Foundation and its work both in Rome (project coordination and funding) and in Geneva (advocacy for children’s rights at the UN).
FMSI encouraged the school leaders to make an effort so that the design and implementation of the school curricula reflect the rights of children as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. FMSI also encouraged the leaders to educate on children’s rights and overcome the concept of education as simply being the transmission of knowledge.
FMSI thanks the Mission Secretariat of the Marist Institute for the opportunity to participate in the meeting.