2016-04-13 RWANDA

Africa Central-East

Our Marist province of Africa Central-East (PACE), in its plan to prepare young brothers for final vows, organized a workshop of the young Brothers held in save from 20 to 24 March 2016. This workshop animated by Br. Antoine Kazindu, had as theme: “Give God your head and your hands, but bring your heart along with them”.

The participants were 10 young brothers from apostolic communities of Kisangani, Bobandana, Kindu, Mururu, Mwanza, Rwabuye and Byimana. They were:  Samuel Dunia, Serge Ntumba, Adolphe Paluku, Patient Kakule, Augustin Kyanga, Dieudonné Byenda, Edouard Mulaila, Jean Mfurayase, Felix Donald Banam and Bosco Uwizeyimana. 

During the three days, we shared our personal experiences in the apostolic works, the joy of being a Marist Brother, the strengths and limitations of our province. We also received inputs on consistency in life, commitment and prayer.

On this journey, we embrace life with its joys and pains, consolation and renunciations inherent to our state of life, aware that fidelity is not possible without a deep transformation; thus, a willingness to live according to our Constitutions. 

With the sharing on the second day of our workshop, we came to realize once again that the encounter with God transforms. Each one of us was invited to a self-assessment in order to identify some signs of a genuine longing for transformation. The input of the day was about commitment. We concluded stressing that final commitment means to make our future what we want it to be.  

Wednesday afternoon, the provincial, Brother Kalisa, invited us to persevere without fear. He called us to know and accept our history as a province and the institute and finally own up its ups and downs. Brother Kalisa made it clear that the implication in making final vows is to accept to be the custodian of Marist tradition and passing it to others. 

Each one took time to personally identify the strength and limitations of the province and to suggest his contribution for more vitality in the province. After sharing on challenges and limitations of our province, we express our desire to live out generously our commitment in the province. Yes, we want to “be the change we would like to happen.” 

Before leaving Save, we received some suggestions on how to live the period between the end of the workshop and the next one.

We departed happily and reenergized to creatively continue our apostolate. 


Brother Jean Bosco Uwizeyimana


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