2008-05-27 ITALY

An expanding experience

Romano is a city in Cimino, in the province of Viterbo (Italy). It was here in Romano that the first course Marcelino, punto y seguido took place, involving the Marist fraternities of Italy and others who belong in some way to the Marist Family. There were 23 people present, mostly married couples. The animation team consisted of Brothers Pietro and Pencho and two lay collaborators: Luisa and Francesco, who had already taken part in the course.

The meeting was intense and greatly appreciated. The enthusiasm to continue travelling together as a fraternity in the steps of Champagnat is a genuine desire demonstrated by everyone. We can see that from various direct testimonies noted further on. We should also point out the cheerful presence of the numerous children and young people who accompanied their parents to the meeting, although for obvious reasons their participation was limited to meal times.


I immediately felt myself to be in an atmosphere of family, of fraternity and of simplicity, together with other people wishing to study more deeply the message of Marcellin in their lives. Although Marcellin and his history are known me, in this meeting I felt myself involved in such a vital way that I was left with the desire to review many aspects of my life in the light of what we have seen and received.
Among the aspects that had a particular impact on me, I must highlight the clarity that Marcellin had regarding his mission, which came to him through his living in the presence of God and through his trust in Mary.
There are other aspects on which I would like to comment: although it is true that the environment of us lay people who work in the General House is very different from that of the lay people who share the mission of the Brothers in the specific field of education, I believe that it is possible to develop family spirit and share at a deeper level beyond mere work.

A father
For my part there was lively participation and I felt very serene. I immediately felt a sense of harmony and agreement with everyone. I would like to strengthen the feeling of communion through the perspective of an enlarged community.

A mother
During this experience I have felt loved and listened to. I have been conscious of receiving and enjoying a gift that has been offered to me to pass on to others. I will carry with me the charism of Saint Marcellin, always present, intensely human and a sign of the love, attention and gentleness of the Father. … The most significant aspects of the charism of Saint Marcellin that I must develop in the human environment that surrounds me is the personification of the small virtues, presence, love of work, simplicity, life of prayer.

Marina de Cesano
We are left with the desire and the will to carry on, with our discreet presence, the joy of testifying in our every day life the freshness and the liveliness of a meeting. A meeting engendered by a look that has reached the depth of our heart, and carried from there so that it reaches all God?s creatures, whom we meet along the way towards Life.
Brother Pietro


The Brother Provincial Bursars of the region ...


Memory of the beatification of Marcellin...