Animation and living of Marist spirituality
TheSub-commission of Marist Spirituality of America met in Lima, Peru, from 10 to 12 September, as programmed in its two year plan to support the Provinces, Districts and Regions of America in the animation and living of Marist spirituality, in response to the Fundamental Call and the Horizons traced by the XXI General Chapter.
On this occasion, the Sub-commission considered the order of the day: evaluation of the meeting held in Guatemala from 11 to 17 April; retreats of the Province of « Norandina » (theme, programme, team responsible) ; 18th Meeting of the Network to be held in Canada from 18 to 24 May 2013 (theme, programme and team responsible) ; and also the definition of the logo and site of the Network, which will shortly be launched.
The methodology of the meeting was simple and very participative, facilitating the unfolding of the activities in a climate of fraternity and family spirit, as our Father Founder, Saint Marcellin Champagnat, wished.
The meeting finished with the joyful celebration of the Holy Name of Mary, patronal feast of the Society of Mary. May our good Mother and Saint Marcellin continue to bless this network and foster its mission in the various places of our America.