Annual Retreat of Lay Movement
With great enthusiasm and expectation, 32 lay persons and 3 Marist Brothers belonging to 4 lay communities existing in Peru took part in the annual retreat organized by the Lay Movement in the month of May. This is a time of growth and formation offered to the laity following itineraries of growth in the Lay Movement. This year, we had the presence of Br Javier Espinoza, fms, in charge of the Secretariat of the Laity, who animated the retreat.
God’s dream for us, for others and for the Marist charism was the subject for reflection during those days. A greater certainty about the calls of God in our life; a strengthening of the personal and community commitment in this intinerary begun five, four, three and two years ago. The certainty that each of our specific vocations contributes to the revitalization of the charism; the assurance that we are making this journey, brothers and laity, and the challenge of giving shape to our personal and community projects in the light of the calls the Church and the Institute are making to us, and the desire of continuing to journey TOGETHER, all these give us inspiration.