2012-07-26 SPAIN

Appointment of Provincial of the Province of Mediterránea

Br Superior General and the General Council, after studying the results of the sondage carried out in the Province, have decided to reappoint Br ANTONIO GIMÉNEZ DE BAGÜÉS GAUDÓ as Provincial of Mediterránea for another three year term of three year term. This will begin during the holding of the Provincial Chapter at the end of the year.

In his letter informing the Brothers of this appointment, Br Emili thanked Br Antonio for his readiness to continue serving the Institute in the role of Provincial. He also congratulated the Brothers for their participation in the sondage, their strong support of the provincial, and their dedication to the life and mission of the Province of Mediterránea.

Br Antonio was born on 17 December 1945 in Zaragoza, Spain. He did his juniorate, novitiate and scholasticate at Les Avellanes, Lérida, making first profession in 1962. He obtained the degrees of National Master and Licentiate in Physical Sciences, faculty of Electronics, at the University of Valencia. He began his apostolic work as a primary school teacher. Later he worked in the major juniorate and scholasticate of the former province of Levante, and with the senior students of the secondary school in Alicante. For a year he formed part of a community of new presence in Valencia and worked with gypsy children.

Community Superior, College Director, Director of the Scholasticate of the former provinces of Castilla and Levante, Provincial Councillor, Provincial of Levante from 92 to 98 and Director of the Group Editorial Luis Vives (GELV) from 98. At the end of December 2009 he was elected Provincial of the Province of Mediterránea for three years.


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Appointment of Provincial of the Province of ...