Argentine and Uruguay
Invited by Br Provincial, Horacio Bustos, Br Teófilo Minga visited the different works of the Province in order to stimulate the brothers and laity to come to know, value and reflect on our spirituality, our educational mission and the programme of Collaboration for Mission International which the Marist congregation is running in Asia and elsewhere.
Br Teófilo carried out essentially three types of activity :
- Talk/Workshop on « Volunteer service and the Collaboration for Mission International project », intended for senior students and youth in connection with Solidarity and Youth Ministry.
- Talk/Workshop on « Marist Spirituality and Mission Today », addressed to the directors, teachers, families and other people invited.
- A spiritual retreat for Marist educators.
On wednesday 31 July, Br Teófilo began his visit of the Province in two schools : « Colegio La Inmaculada » and « Colegio Macnab Bernal ». With the senior students, he spoke on two topics : Volunteer service and International missionary co-operation. He illustrated his talks with anecdotes drawn from his own experience, in the different countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Br Teofilo’s talk was based on the Letter of Brother Superior General « To the ends of the earth ». His reflections helped to recall several traits of Marist spirituality, by insisting on the fact that spiritual experience is the foundation of all evangelical activity…
On Saturday 3 August, some 40 members of the Fraternities and the Solidarity Team of « Colegio Macnab Bernal » came together to reflect in common. They focused on the essential traits of Marist spirituality and its projection into everyday life. In the afternoon, the group considered the richness of the Marist charism, launched decisively towards the future thanks to the « Ad Gentes Project » and the organisation of the Volunteer Service and International Missionary Co-operation.
The Eucharist was the time for thanking God for the richness shared which nourishes our identity as Marists of Champagnat.
A group of 52 persons came together on 9 and 10 August in the « Villa Marista de Pilar » in Buenos Aires, for a spiritual retreat, during which the participants received Br Emili Turú’s letter « To the ends of the earth ». The retreat had two objectives : the deepening of Marist spirituality and sharing the situation of the congregation with regard to Mission Ad Gentes and Marist International Volunteer Service.
The last part of the retreat was an open session where the participants, at « round tables », asked their questions, and expressed their suggestions or reflections.
By way of testimony, here are four reflections relating to the topics studied :
1. The pedagogy of the good shepherd
«I liked the pedagogy of the Good Shepherd very much… I am convinced that the educator is in fact the one who leads, who guides the pupil to sources of clear water, that is to say, the best of education. I recalled the quite strong words of Pope Francis to the bishops in Rio de Janeiro: « The bishop should lead, which is quite a different thing from commanding. »
2. No heroes but simple persons
"I very much liked the conclusion of Br Emili’s letter. I know very little about Mission Ad Gentes. When I read ‘that we are not looking for heroes who perform spectacular gestures, but rather simple people, capable of asking themselves honestly what it means for them to set out in haste for a new land with Mary’, my heart jumped… I am a very normal woman. But it is good to know that that does not exclude me from Ad Gentes ».
3. Family spirit
« It is not long that I have been sharing life and work with theMarists. I am very grateful for the invitation made me to take part in this retreat. I have become more aware that family spirit is an element of Marist spirituality… And I find it very beautiful that many brothers have wanted to accompany us. »
4. The Marial face of the Church
"What struck me most was the presentation of the Marial face of the Church… And the allusion of the animator to the words of Pope Francis filled me with enthusiasm : ‘The Virgin Mary was more important than the apostles, the bishops, the deacons and priests. The woman in the Church is more important than the bishops and priests. How ? That is what we must try to explain better in studying the theology of the woman.’ I could feel the responsibility that is mine as a woman and lay Marist : that of making the Marial face of the Church known more. »
Br Teófilo has continued his activities in the Province. From 11 to 14 August, accompanied by Br Provincial, he visited North Argentine : the « Escuela Técnica de Libertador Gral. San Martín » and the community of « Fraile Pintado ». He then left for Uruguay, where he is at present. His visit will end towards the end of August with a visit to the works of Wes Argentine : the « Colegio San José » in the Province of Mendoza and the « Colegio San Rafael » in San Rafael.