2025-01-15 GENERAL HOUSE

“Arrivederci”, Br. Ángel Medina

After 25 years at the service of the Institute’s General Administration, Brother Ángel Medina said goodbye to the General House on January 11. Until the end of December, he had been director of the Secretariat of Brothers Today. He began his service to the institute in 2009 as head of the El Escorial ongoing formation center. He then worked on the implementation of the LaValla200> project and, before working at the Secretariat, he was part of the Institute’s ongoing formation team.

Brother Ángel will continue his consecration to the Marist charism by living the ideal of Saint Marcellin Champagnat in the Marist District of Asia (MDA).

As a tribute to his service to the Institute, we reproduce his thanks below and invite you to watch the video, in Spanish, that he recorded a few days before his departure.


“First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere and fraternal gratitude to all of you for the openness and favorable reception of the different initiatives, activities and proposals that during these years have allowed us to share the mission of animating the journey of communities, those responsible for different services and in particular, initial and ongoing formation.

On the other hand, more than a farewell, I express my communion and fraternal adhesion to all of you so that inspired by the Spirit and the Charism inherited from Marcellin, together as a Global family, and wherever we are, we may continue to give the best of ourselves in the animation of Marist life and mission at this moment in history” (Br. Ángel Medina).

In the picture, Brother Ángel Medina with the actual directors of the Secretariat Brothers Today, Brothers Pere Ferré and Lindley Sionosa


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