2012-10-10 FRANCE

Back again on the Champagnat Trail

On 17 September, the inauguration took place of the new descriptive sign on trail N°10 of the Parc Régional naturel du Pilat, at Notre Dame de l’Hermitage. This trail was made and inaugurated in 1989, to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Marcellin Champagnat : it links le Rosey (Marlhes) to Notre Dame de l’Hermitage, to Saint Chamond; it is about 33 km.

On a proposal of guidance for the trail, made by the Brothers and those in charge of the diocese, the Parc du Pilat agreed to carry out a project to emphasize the originality of the Champagnat Trail. This has been translated into practice with the making of four new panels (124 x168cm) adding to the four topographical panels installed at significant sites of the life of Champagnat (Le Rosey, Le Bessat, La Valla and l’Hermitage). These panels illustrate through texts and photos what Marcellin lived at each of these steps in link with the foundation of the Brothers.

The Parc du Pilat has carried out this work in close collaboration with several Brothers, in particular Brothers Jean Claude Longchamp and Jean Pierre Destombes.

To inaugurate this new signage, the site of l’Hermitage was chosen. About sixty persons replied to  invitations made by the Parc and the brothers: members of the Association du parc du Pilat, whose President, Fr Louis Tronchon, represented the Bishop ; Fr Bruno Cornier, parish priest ; Br  Maurice Berquet, provincial ; brothers of the surrounding communities ; the normal photographer of the Progrès, Mr Monnerie ; representatives of the Mairie of St Chamond and various persons interested in this inauguration.

The speakers were in order: Mme la President du Parc du Pilat, Br Jean Pierre Destombes, Br Maurice Berquet and Fr Louis Tronchon. There were congratulations all around for this achievement thanks to the good collaboration between the Park authorities and the brothers. Each was able to clarify what the value of this « Champagnat » trail meant for him: on the « ecological », human, and spiritual planes.

Brother Michel Morel


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