?Beacon of hope?
The 7th Provincial Chapter of the West-Central Europe Province took place in Freising, Germany, from 23rd to 26th April. From all parts of the Province – Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and Great Britain – there were 15 brothers and 12 lay Marists. Brothers Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, vicar general, João Carlos do Prado and Ben Consigli, general councillors, were also present in the name of the General Administration.
“Beacon of hope” was the theme which guided these days with a very good spirit among the participants. Through rich conversation and moments of prayer the Chapter participants approved 5 priorities for the Province over the next 3 years (2019-2022). These priorities reflected the influence of the calls of the XXII General Chapter:
- The sustainability of the Marist mission through partnership (Mission)
- Attending to the Spirit in our lives (Spirituality – interiority)
- Ecological challenges (Integral ecology)
- Vocation and formation of Marists of Champagnat (Marists of Champagnat)
- Interconnectedness and exchange of Marist youth throughout the Province (Marist Youth)
The last day, a new Provincial Council was elected to assist Brother Robert Thunus, new Provincial, during his mandate: Br. Roberto Di Troia (Belgium), Ronnie McGowan (UK), Michael Schmalzl (Germany) and Nicholas Smith (Ireland).
Br. Luis Carlos Gutierrez, Vicar General, encourage those present to be open to the workings of the Spirit and quoted from the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:17): “ I will pour out my Spirit on all…your young will see visions, your old will dream dreams.”
Bro. Robert said: “I’m very happy and confident about the outcome of the Chapter. The participants pointed out the real challenges we are facing now, trying to involve and support more lay people and young adults in our mission, with the need also to strengthen together our Marist identity and spirituality as the heart of our actions.”
Brothers Ben Consigli and João Carlos do Prado, link Councilors for Europe, encouraged the newly elected leadership of the Province to continue to build bridges with the other Marists of the Institute, especially those in the region of Europe, who all aspire to create a global Marist family.