Becoming present among the excluded and displaced
One of the themes that marked the reflection of the capitulars was the reception of the refugees. With a simple gesture of opening their arms, the capitulars recorded in Colombia a video attached to the Caritas Internationalis campaign #ShareJourney, saying “welcome” to immigrants and displaced persons.
This awareness of the need to welcome those who are obliged to leave their own land is the basis of the third call of the Message of the 22nd General Chapter: Inspire our creativity to be bridge-builders.
Among the “principles and suggestions” inherent in the mission, the capitulars recommend “identifying those who are excluded and displaced (migrants, refugees …), choosing to be present among them, and decisively committing ourselves to defending their dignity and seeking their inclusion.”
Initiative of the Brasil Centro-Norte province
On March 16, the province launched a mobilization campaign for the cause of refugees, which aims to raise awareness among students and family members, collaborators, and the entire educational community, for the development of collective actions in favor of immigrants.
The campaign aims to sensitize and mobilize the Marist public, to “immerse” in the charismatic and solidary dimension in favor of the cause. The next steps suggest concrete actions, through participation in solidarity campaigns, promoted by national and international organisations, and other initiatives of civil society.
The vice-president of the educative works of the province, Brother Wagner Cruz, thinks that “the campaign shows us that this is a cause without borders, and the union of the efforts of the Institute can make a small, but important, difference in the life of these refugees who are in so much need of our support.”
For more information and updates on this initiative, visit: .