2018-04-09 BRAZIL

Being a lay Marist

From March 9 – 11, a formative meeting of leaders of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family (MCHFM) of the Brasil Centro-Sur province took place at the Centro Marista Marcelino Champagnat.

Under the title Being lay Marist and under theme I am light of the world, formators, brothers and advisors of the fraternities immersed themselves in the experience of feeling like walkers in the Marist itinerary.

It was a meeting marked by sharing, openness of hearts, spirituality, coexistence, prayer and fraternity.

The participation of lay people and brothers was evidence of the new relationship and walking as Marists of Champagnat for a new beginning, being a beacon of hope and bridge for the world, connected with Champagnat’s charism.
The Brasil Centro-Sur province has 21 Fraternities of the Champagnat Movement


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