Being a Marist Today
The Province of Canada celebrated its provincial assembly on April 28 – 29. A group of brothers and laity spent time reflecting, sharing and agreeing on what it means to be a Marist today in the province and in the world.
How does one recognise a Marist? What elements defines us, what distinguishes us and what mobilizes us? Whether we are brothers or laity, men or women, young or old, believers or non-believers, what common factors unite us?
It was not about the first Provincial Assembly of the Marist Province of Canada, but rather the first time that assembly takes place where we reflected together, brothers and laity, subject to a common responsibility.
Sixty brothers and laity of different Marist works were invited to attend: 43 were present but all of them showed interest despite having other commitments that did not allow some of them to take part in the gathering.
The methodology that was chosen included dialogue and exchanging thoughts, throughout tables of five or six participants. The aim was to arrive a consensus in each phase – a consensus expressed in a sentence, a word or an expression.
The synthesis of the exchanging of thoughts and the common elements were embodied in a panel that was visible to everyone.
The essential elements that define the charism and that we are called to live and to transmit began appearing.
Later, in a moment of silence and reflection in the chapel, everyone was invited to write a commitment that that person was willing to make immediately in their life and in their environment, taken from one of the chosen elements during this reflection
The path of the Marist community of Canada continues towards a new beginning!