?Being able to change the railway without stopping the train?
From Feb. 19 – 23, the general council invited the heads of the five secretariats of the Institute and other members of the general administration to discuss what the action plan will be of the new general government, elected to implement the calls of the XXII General Chapter.
Brother Ernesto Sánchez, superior general, stressed that the intention of the new government is to implement an organic animation, with a view that goes from the periphery to the center.
“The Institute needs a leadership that sustains and encourages local structures, thus favoring local and provincial leaderships,” he affirmed.
He summarized the spirit of the new government, in this moment of change, underscoring that “we should be able to change the railway without stopping the train.” He was referring to a conversation with Brother Antonio Giménez, the then director of the Edelvives editorial.
The week began with a meeting with all the staff of the general house on Feb. 19.
During the first two days, the secretariats presented a synthesis of their action plans and the challenges they experience. The other two days were dedicated to reflecting on the so-called orientations of the XXII General Chapter, facing the realization of the strategic planning for the animation and governance of the Institute.
During the last day, the elements that emerged from the reflections were identified and will be used to prepare the planning and organization of the coordination structures.
The next steps will be meetings that will define the planning and the organisation process of the general government. The first will be held from June 18 – 22 and the second from Sept. 10 – 14. The process will include conversations with the administrative units.
Br Ernesto invited the directors of the secretariats and the heads of the other departments to walk with courage in this time of transition.
He asked the vicar general and the general councillors to closely accompany the secretariats and areas, elaborating a provisional calendar until the planning is completed during the next few months.
In the final evaluation, several participants expressed the joy of walking together, trying to make the global family already a reality among us.