Being marist spreads, but in community
The fourth full week of the Vocational Animators Program has been completed, following the TO KNOW-“WHAT” theme.
During this week, Brother Ernesto Sánchez finished sharing his experience on Vocational Culture, which had started the previous week.
Brother Carlos Vélez also shared on Vocation Ministry: theology, pedagog and community. In this way, it has been possible to go deeper into the specific theme of the vocation, as a mysterious event in which the person in dialogue with God, acquires an awareness of a mission situated historically and is committed to a concrete response. Throughout this process, the community appears as that group of people who have felt called and called out to others, provoke and accompany them in the process. There can be no pastoral vocation without community.
Wednesday was a special day, as the group was able to attend the Pope Francis’ Audience and listen to his message. In addition, in the afternoon the group visited the statue of Marcellin Champagnat at the Vatican.
As a special activity of the week, the VOCATIONAL-EXPO was held where participants shared materials and experiences from their provinces.
The Program continues this week with the TO KNOW-“HOW” stage.