2012-09-04 GENERAL HOUSE

Br. Eduardo Navarro de la Torre

Br. Emili Turú, Superior General and the General Council, after reviewing the sondage conducted in the Province, has decided to name Br. Eduardo Navarro de la Torre as Provincial of the Province of Western Mexico for a second term of three years. Br. Eduardo will begin this term during the celebration of the Provincial Chapter in December.

Thanks are due to Br. Eduardo for his openness and availability to continue serving the Institute in the capacity of Provincial. The results of the sondage clearly demonstrate that he enjoys the strong support of the Brothers of his Province.

Congratulations and gratitude as well to all the Brothers for their active participation in the sondage and for their dedication in favor of the life and mission of the Province of Western Mexico.

A brief historical review: Brother Eduardo, known familiarly as “Lalo”, was born in Tepatitlán, Jalisco in 1950. His parents Domitilo and Francisca de la Torre enrolled him in the Colegio Morelos de Tepatitlán, Jalisco, where he began his studies. This school is renowned because about forty Marist Brother vocations have come from it.

Eduardo entered the juniorate on August 15, 1962 in Loma Bonita, Guadalajara, Jalisco. He made his postulancy in 1965, took the habit in 1966 and made first profession in 1967 in Morelia. He studied three years in the scholasticate at Loma Bonita in the "Anáhuac" Normal School.

Br. Eduardo's Marist apostolic career can be summarized in the following stages: eight years as a teacher in Aguascalientes, Tepic, Monterrey and Tepatitlán; seven years as a formator in the juniorate in Guadalajara, first as teacher and then four year as director; four years as a student of religious psychology at the Gregorian University in Rome; nine years as formator in the novitiate, as teacher and then sub-master, teaming with Brother Basilio Rueda; then for five years he served as vice-provincial and superior of the provincial house; and six years as superior and director general of Instituto México in Tijuana. He was also elected for four three-year terms as provincial councilor. Towards the middle of 2009, the general council asked him to take over as director of the International Center of Spirituality at El Escorial. But subsequently Br. Superior General and his council decided to name him Provincial of the Province of Western Mexico. He accepted, and took charge on December 23, 2009 for a term of three years.


All brothers...


Promoting together the vitality of our charis...