Br Ernesto Sánchez
The XXII General Chapter of the Marist Brothers, taking place in Rionegro, Colombia, today elected Brother Ernesto Sánchez, of the Province of México Occidental, as the XIV Superior General of the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools.
Brother Ernesto, Councillor General since 2009, replaces Brother Emili Turú, elected in 2009. He will be the Superior General of the Institute for the next 8 years.
At 5:00 p.m., the Vicar General will be elected.
Br. Ernesto Sánchez
Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 21th February 1961, and the ninth child in the family of sixteen formed by his parents Carlos and Juanis. A Marist student from pre-primary to preparatory, entered the postulancy at the age of 17. Followed the Basic Teaching course in the scholasticate, then the Licentiate in Religious Sciences and Mathematics.
Studied in Rome for the Licentiate in Vocational Ministry and completed the Master’s degree in this field. Took part in the course for formators in Lyon, France.
Has taught 4 years in primary and 3 in secondary, being a formator at the juniorate at the time. For 5 years belonged to the provincial team for vocation and youth ministry and gave classes in preparatory.
For 4 years was director of the Postulancy and next was called to the General Administration where for 4 years was secretary to the commissions on Religious Life and Vocations Ministry, and for 2 years Director of the Secretariate of Vocations.
On 23 December 2008 started a term as Provincial of Mexico Occidental.
On 3 October 2009 he was elected Counsellor General.