Br Hipólito Pérez Gómez
The General Council appointed Brother Hipólito Pérez Gómez, from the Province of Central America, as Assistant Director of the Brothers Today Secretariat. At the beginning of the year, Brother Hipólito joined the Secretariat team, which includes Brother Tony Leon as Director, and brothers Eugène Kabanguka and Ernesto Sánchez from the General Council. The Secretariat also consist of an international team of collaborators, which met for the second time in February.
Biographical note on Brother Hipólito Pérez Gómez
Brother Hipólito Pérez Gómez was born on November 24, 1965, in Dueñas (Palencia), Spain. He belongs to the Marist Province of Central America.
He joined the brothers at the Marist minor seminary of Fuentecaliente (Miranda de Ebro), where he also did his postulancy in 1982. Then he was sent to the interprovincial novitiate of Venta de Baños, where he took the first vows in 1984. That same year he went to the scholasticate in Guatemala, where he did his theological and professional training.
He has served several missions. From 1988 to 1992, he was a formator in the minor seminary and postulancy of Carrión de los Condes. In 1990, he made his perpetual profession in this same place. Other positions followed: pastoral ministry coordinator in the Marist School of Alajuela, Costa Rica (1992-1996); Marist Formators Program in Lyon (1996-1998); novice director in El Salvador (1998-2003); pastoral ministry coordinator at Champagnat School in El Salvador (2004); formator and novice director at the interprovincial novitiate of Medellin (2004-2007); and Provincial of Central America (2008-2013).