2013-10-28 GENERAL HOUSE

Br. Joarês Pinheiro de Sousa

Br Joarês Pinheiro de Sousa has been appointed by Br Emili Turu and his Council as sub-director of the Escorial team, to support Br Angel Medina. He will begin in 2014, with the course for Formators.


Brief biography

Joarês Pinheio de Sousa was born in Maranhão, Brazil into a very large family of 21 children, 17 of them still living. His parents celebrated their 71 years of married life on 29 June.

 Joarês heard the call to vocation through his brother Joaci Pinheiro de Sousa, a Marist Brother, but he did not decide to join him until 1986. That year, he arranged with the Provincial, Br Antonio Ramalho, to have an experience in a Marist community in Aracati, CE.

In 1987 he entered the postulancy in Natal, RN, and in 1988 began his novitiate in Mondubim, Fortaleza, CE. Two years later, he made his first vows on 1 January 1990, and returned to Natal for his scholasticate (1990-1991).

In 1992 he returned to Mondubim, this time as a collaborator in formation. In 1995 he took charge of the juniorate, today called pre-postulancy, and remained there until 1997. From 1998 to 2000 he worked in the formation of the scholasticate at Belo Horizonte, as part of an interprovincial team. This term being complete, he was invited to take part in the one year course for formators in Chile in 2001.

On return to Brasil, he took charge of the postulancy in Natal, RN, for a year and in 2003 assisted Br Ataide José de Lima in the postulancy of Vila Velha, ES. At the end of that year, after the fusion of the former Provinces of Rio and Brasil Norte, Joarês was appointed master of novices of the new Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte ».

He was master of novices from 2004 to June 2006, at Mondubim, from July 2006 to the end of 2010, at Maranguape, CE., and in 2011 at Aracati, with the second year novices. Thus he has passed almost all his Marist life as a formator in the different stages.

Academic formation : bachelor and master in Philosophy from the UECE – University of Ceará ; Theology of catechetics from the PUC of Paraná, and a course in EFMA at Belo Horizonte, MG.


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