2024-12-28 CHILE

Br. Óscar Martín, General Councilor, visits Chile.

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On December 2, after having visited the sectors of Bolivia and Peru, Br. Óscar Martín, General Councilor, began his visit to the Chile Sector of the Province of Santa María de los Andes. Br. Óscar, together with Br. Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa, is link councilor for the America Sur Region. During the month of December he visited the twelve Marist schools and communities in the country.

“When we are in Rome we do team work and joint reflection on the big programs and then we spend a large part of the year visiting the Provinces and Regions where we are sent. In my case, I am fortunate to be one of the Councilors who are liaisons for this beloved region of South America”, says the Councilor about his role.

On December 2, Br. Óscar visited the Marist College of Santiago, meeting with its rector Claudio Castillo, the CODI and sharing with the students, and then meeting with the Delegate of Mission Marcela Hormazábal and the members of the Marist Animation House of Santa Monica, with whom he had an interesting conversation on the projections of the General House and what is expected for the future of the Sector and the Province.

On December 3, Brother Óscar went to Alto Hospicio, where he met with the shared community of the place, where Brothers and lay people walk together, accompanying each other in the experience of the Marist charism. Marlena Vargas and Liliana Aguilar, who welcomed Br. Óscar into their home, Isabel Lagos and Brother Pedro Herreros were present.

On December 4, Br. Óscar met with the Board of Directors of Colegio Marista Hermano Fernando of Alto Hospicio and its rector Fernando Figueroa. Each of the members shared their personal history in the school and a vision of the service they are providing, with the achievements and challenges of the mission. Br. Óscar invited them to feel part of the global Marist family in carrying out the mission, to exercise a servant and prophetic leadership and to care for and promote the bonds as key components of the educational and evangelizing task.

On December 5, Brother Óscar returned to Santiago, where he met with the extended Provincial Council (three representatives of the Mission Councils of each sector and the Provincial Administrator participated in the session together with the Brother Councilors), to analyze the preparation of the new Provincial strategic planning. In the afternoon he went to Curicó, where he held a meeting with the Brothers of the Community.

On the morning of December 6, the General Councilor visited the Marist School of Curicó, touring the school facilities and meeting with the rector, Andrés Prado, and the school’s Board of Directors. Around midday he continued his trip to San Fernando, where he was received by the rector Ismael Valencia and the local community. In the afternoon of the same day it was the turn of the Colegio Marista de Rancagua, where Brother Óscar met with the rector and Executive Secretary Manuel Llanos and his Council.

On December 9, he arrived in the city of La Serena to visit the Marist School of Las Compañías, where he met with the rector Nelson Jofré and his Board of Directors, and participated in the school Streaming Program “Infórmate Marista” and in the Farewell Eucharist of the Brothers’ Community of La Serena, which is closing its doors at the end of this year.

On December 10 he went to the area of the central valley of the Fifth Region of the country, beginning with the Marist School of Los Andes, where he was received by the rector Jessica Torres and the directors with a lunch and a tour of the school, a dynamic that was repeated on Wednesday 11 in the schools of Villa Alemana and Diego Echeverría of Quillota, where Brother Óscar was interviewed on the school radio FIRA RM.

On December 12 the counselor had the opportunity to visit the Marist schools of Quillota, Instituto Rafael Ariztía and Limache, meeting with students, teachers, former students and the rectors Nora Vento and Karla Ponce. The same dynamic continued on December 13 at the Marist School of La Pintana in the city of Santiago, where, along with sharing with the rector Vicente Amurrio, he participated with the children of the Truce Program of the Gesta Foundation and his team.

After a few days in Brazil, to participate in the Chapter of the Brasil Centro-Norte Province, Br. Óscar returned to Chile to celebrate Christmas with the brothers of the infirmary of the Sótero Sanz Community, on December 24, and on the 25th he was with the shared community of Grajales, meeting Brothers Hernán Cabrera, José Luis Rabanal and the laity Jorge Rodríguez, María Angélica Espinoza and Amanda Castro.

The whole Province thanks Brothers Óscar and Sylvain for this significant time spent with the Marists of Santa Maria de los Andes. Their visit helps the Marists of Champagnat to continue walking, more united as a Global Marist Family.


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