Br. Thomas Omari
The final profession of Br. Thomas Omari took place on Saturday 12th October 2013 at Roo Community’s premises. The mass’s main celebrant was Bishop Philip Anyolo, the Bishop of Homa-Bay Diocese. Among the attendants of the ceremony were: Brother Thomas’ family members from Kisii, the former students, our current students from Bishop Mugendi, Saint Martin/Ramba and Our Lady of Orore Primary School; some sisters and the Marist Brothers from the MIC community, Orore, Roo, Masonga and Nyakato.
The mass was animated by the choir of the outstation of Roo, which harmoniously sang in Vernacular (Dholuo) and Swahili.
During his homily, the Bishop thanked the Marist Brothers for having organized such an important event in this area. The prelate stressed the importance of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist as paramount and ultimate in Christian life and so in religious life.
On the other hand, during his occasional speech, Br Valentin DJawu, the PACE provincial, strongly reminded Br Thomas of the personal and individual aspect of his vocation in the Congregation of the Little Brothers of Mary. He also called his attention on the beatification of our 68 Spaniard martyrs, confreres and collaborators, which was just a day after his final profession and challenged him to imitate these brothers in their courage and enthusiasm in living out their faith and vocation until the end.