Brasil Centro-Norte Province
The encounter for the formation of leaders of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist family of the Brasil-Centro Norte Province took place in Lagoa Seca (Paraíba) from May 1-3, 2015. Twenty lay people of 10 fraternities of the northeast region of the province participated in the encounter, which had the theme “for a leadership that generates life.”
During the first day, the fraternities had a momento to share their path, pointing out the local advances and challenges. First came Raphael Gobbo, who spoke on the essential requirements in exercising leadership in the movement, based on the model of leadership of Jesus Christ.
Brother Adalberto Amaral continued with the previous subject, reflecting on the importance of the leaders to stimulate the life of the fraternities in his own daily life as well as the qualities and limitations of exercising leadership.
On the third day, the lay coordinator, Eder Dartagnan, touched on the essential elements when preparing a plan and its importance within the fraternities.
The meeting led to moments of formation, prayer, integration and strengthening in the journey of the fraternities.
The fourth Provincial Assembly of the Champagnat Movement will be held in November, during which the representatives of all the fraternities will choose the new coordination team and define the priorities for the next three years.