2018-06-15 BRAZIL

Brasil Sul-Amazônia

The General Council has appointed Brother Inacio Etges to continue his mission as provincial superior of the Marist province of Brazil Sul-Amazonia during the triennium of 2019 – 2021.

The appointment took place after a consultation was held with the brothers of the province.

Br Inacio will assume his second term during the provincial chapter that will be held from Dec. 2 – 7.

In his letter sent to the province, general superior Brother Ernesto Sánchez expressed appreciation towards Brother Inacio and his leadership in recent years: “thank you for your passion for the consecrated life, for the accompaniment of the brothers and the communities, and for the organisation of the province, everything that was done as a team with your provincial council and other provincial teams.”

Before his appointment, Br Inacio invited the brothers of the province to seek discernment especially for the mission entrusted to the Institute by the last General Chapter.

“We need to abandon the culture of egos and promote the ‘ecos’ (ecology, ecosystem, solidarity economy …), where life has enough space to develop according to the Creator’s plan, that requires a collective construction, for which I urge you! Holding each other’s hands and arms, let us welcome, together and with co-responsibility, the surprises of the future that are reserved for us!”

Graduated in theology and mathematics by the PUCRS and with a degree and a Masters in psychology from the Gregorian University, in Rome, Br Inacio has an impressive career as a director and educator.
He was in charge of the former Marist province of Rio Grande do Sul and has been in the Marist province of Brasil Sul-Amazonia since 2016.

He was also a teacher at the Marist schools of Rosário, Champagnat, São José andGraças and he served in several houses of formation for brothers in different periods.


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