Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province
Around 60 brothers and laity of Rio Grande do Sul gathered in São Leopoldo from June 30 – July 1, for the pre-chapter encounter “gathering the fruits.” The encounter served as preparation for the 22nd General Chapter, which will be celebrated in September in Colombia. It was a sort of challenge for participants to reflect on the continuity of the Marist mission and the different realities, listening to the appeal of the children and young people of our time.
The activities were based on the experiences of immersion carried out by the Marist communities since 2016.
Divided into groups, brothers and laypeople shared their experiences using the methodology called contemplative listening, which guides a dialogue impregnated by sensitivity, lack of prosecution and having open hearts.
The goal was to gather the elements of our Province that would be sent to the General Chapter.
“The fruits of this preparation are strongly linked to what we plant, water and care in our mission areas,” affirmed the provincial’s vice president, Brother Deivis Fischer. “It’s important that these fruits be experienced to be able to pass them on to the capitulants that will go to Colombia.”
The provincial superior, Brother Inacio Etges, noted that “the experience was very important and fruitful, mainly because it is the first time that we make a preparation of this magnitude with the presence of brothers and laity.”
This experience was also held in Lábrea, Amazonia, from July 6 to 9 with the communities of the Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province, who were unable to attend the meeting at Rio Grande do Sul.