Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province inaugurates center for youth in the Amazon region
To assist adolescents and young people from the entire Amazon region, the Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province, in partnership with the Diocese of Cruzeiro do Sul, inaugurated on August 15 the Youth Center in the state of Acre. This Center aims to train leaders with spiritual, sporting, cultural, and human Capabilities, as well as labor preparation skills.
More than 300 people attended the opening ceremony. Among them were the governor of Acre, Gladson Cameli, the bishop of the diocese of Cruzeiro do Sul, don Flávio Giovenale, and the provincial councilors, brothers José Bittencourt and Danilo Bezerraotras; and other civil and military authorities.
Br. José, coordinator of the Solidarity Area of the Marist Network, said: “We have been here in the Amazon territory for more than 50 years. We began our activity with some Marist Brothers who came to the region to do what we call missionary work. Over time we realized that we needed to go a little further. That time has come!
Ivonir Imperatori, who is in charge of coordinating the Youth Center, spoke to the public about the commitment undertaken with the community, highlighting the objective of the center, which “is to promote protagonism, social and political entrepreneurship, strengthen spirituality, establish connections with the communities, promote cultural enrichment and provide training for the world of work”.
To learn more about the project, click here