Brazil and Cono Sur (América Sur)
First day | Second and third days
The fourth day, Friday March 4, was animated by Brother Ernesto Sánchez, and was a day of intense sharing between the brothers of the provincial councils of Brazil and Cono Sur. It was also a day of personal reflection on the theme: mystery – fraternity, a gift that we receive. The whole morning was centred in interiority and spirituality, with its strengths and challenges.
In the evening, Brother Ernesto presented the echoes of the Marist International Colloquium on Initial Formation that took place in Hermitage from Oct. 4 – 14 with the participation of 75 brothers that spoke about how to rethink and improve the formation process of young brothers. The brothers who were present in Florianopolis discussed several of the recommendations and offered their own reflections.
At the end of the day, the group welcomed the young brothers of the Brasil Centro-Sul province, the community of the interprovincial novitiate of Brazil and the members of other Marist communities nearby to share life experiences and to celebrate Mass.
At the end of the last day, Saturday, March 5, Brother Libardo, the econome general, animated the prayer. Workshops of animated dialogue between each of the members of the general council then followed with the following subjects:
regionalisation and provinces with districts; revision of the constitutions; the general chapter; La Valla200; new international communities; bonding and belonging; colloquium of initial formation; promotion of internationalism.
An intense moment of reflection and dialogue, as well as the plenary session of exchanging opinions and evaluating the encounter then followed. Brother Emili, in his final message, expressed his gratitude for the prevailing communion and fraternity in the encounter and for the great contribution of these provinces to the whole Institute. He invited the brothers to not lose the ability of dreaming, to stay rooted in love and to keep the future vision alive that helps us move forward.
The Extended General Council closed with a Eucharistic celebration and a fraternal lunch. In the evening, the brothers took the opportunity to visit the city of Florianopolis, a social work and the interprovincial novitiate of Brazil,
The Cono Sur and Brazil region continued to meet on March 6 and 7, discussing the New Models of Animation, Government and Management and took some organisational decisions.
First day | Second and third days