Brother Alphonse Tiamaro appointed Provincial of Madagascar
Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, and his Council, after studying the consultation of the brothers of the province have appointed Br. Alphonse Tiamaro as the Provincial of Madagascar for a period of three years. Br. Alphonse will begin his mandate during the celebration of the next Provincial Chapter which will take place from the 5th to the 7th of January 2024.
Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, thanked Br. Michel Maminiaina Razafimandimby for his commitment during these six years of leadership in the province, and he also thanked him for his participation and support to the Africa region and the Institute.
In a letter sent to the province on 29 September, Br. Ernesto greeted and thanked the Provincial Council and all those who collaborate in the different provincial animation teams, both brothers and lay people.
Brother Alphonse Tiamaro
Brother Alphonse was born on May 15, 1978, in Mananjary, Madagascar. He has one sister and five brothers, and he is the second to last in the family. In 1995, after having obtained his baccalaureate (secondary school certificate) he entered the postulate of the Marist Brothers in Fianarantsoa, for his 2-year initial formation. In October 1997 he began his novitiate, and on June 6, 1999, he made his first vows. After the novitiate, he did a four-year scholasticate in Nairobi, known as MIC (Marist International Centre) in Kenya.
In 2003 he returned to Madagascar, and, after a 3-year experience of community life, he pronounced his final vows on December 17, 2006. From 2006 to 2009 he completed a formation of formators course, and he pursued his higher education studies in Nairobi. After his studies, the head of the province appointed him responsible for the postulancy of Ampahidrano Fianarantsoa. Later, in 2012, he left Madagascar to go to Rwanda, and work in the novitiate as a formator, a position he held for 4 years. Then, in September 2016, the brother responsible for the province asked him to reinforce the formation team for young scholastics in Nairobi.
In Nairobi, he developed different activities as an animator and guide for young brothers, and a professor at the Marist University of Nairobi (MIUC), among other responsibilities.
Since 2019, he has been a member of the International Commission of Brothers Today, representing young people and formators of the MIC.
At the same time, he serves in the CSAC (Conference of Superiors of the African Continent) as a member of the regional commissions. This year, 2023, he has completed seven years as a formator in the MIC, and the brother responsible for the province of Madagascar has once again appointed him responsible for the postulate of Ampahidrano.