Brother Brian Poulin Celebrates his Final Profession
The Marist Brothers of the United States province celebrated the final profession of Brother Brian Poulin on Saturday, Aug. 27 during a liturgy at Mount Saint Michael Academy in the Bronx, New York.
Br Brian is the son of Steve and Roberta Poulin. He received his first sacraments at the Holy Rosary Parish in his hometown of Edmonds, Washington.
Prior to entering the Marist Brothers, Brian graduated from Bishop Blanchet High School in Seattle, Washington and from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. He also worked in China for five years teaching English as a second language.
On Sept. 8, 2008, Brian became a postulant to the Marist Brothers and lived in community at the Marist Brothers Novitiate in Esopus, New York.
On Feb. 8, 2009, Brian officially entered the Marist Brothers Novitiate by becoming a Novice during a ceremony held in the Chapel at the Marist Brothers Center in Esopus.
Following his first profession in June 2010, Brian moved to the Lawrence, Massachusetts, where he lived in a Marist Brothers community and taught at Central Catholic High School for two years.
In 2012, He moved to the Our Lady of Grace community in the Bronx, New York, and began working as a teacher and campus minister at Mount Saint Michael Academy, where he continues to serve today.