Brother Crisanto and 67 companions martyrs
It is with great joy that we share some good news with you : we have just received from the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the DECREE of beatification of Br Crisanto and his 67 companions martyrs, signed by Pope Francis.
They will be beatified on 13 October this year in Tarragona, Spain. Let us thank God, the Blessed Virgin and Champagnat, as well as our Brothers who were declared blessed in 2007, for being able to count, for the Church and for the Institute, on this pleiad of martyrs, witnesses and models in the faith.
I invite you to have a thought in your prayers for Br Gabriele Andreucci and his collaborators, who worked ardently in the drawing up of the Positio for this Cause.
Br Luis Jorge Flores Aceves
Postulator General
Read more: http://www.vis.va