2008-09-26 GENERAL HOUSE

Brother Ernesto Sánchez Barba

The Provincialship of Mexico Occidental became vacant in anticipation when, at the beginning of Septem-ber 2008, Brother Victor Preciado, a member of the Province in question, was named Econome General. Appointed as the new Provincial is Brother Ernesto Sánchez Barba, who will officially take over his posi-tion at the Provincial Chapter scheduled to take place before the end of 2008.

Upon the conclusion of the XXth General Chapter, the newly elected General Council appointed Brother Ernesto to the Religious Life Commission, just then established. Since that time Brother Ernesto has directed the international, Rome-based Bureau of Vocations, a work to which he has dedicated all his efforts.

In assuming his new duties as Provincial of Mexico Occidental, Brother Ernesto will bring to his apos-tolate not merely his many personal talents but, in addition, extensive experience gained both in his Province and in the Institute. His first Province apostolate was as a teacher, and later as formator at the Juniorate. After his studies in Rome and at Valpré, Brother Ernesto was assigned to the Postulancy where he remained until his assignment to Rome.

In the course of the past years in Rome, he has worked tirelessly to give a solid structure to the Bureau of Vocations, international as it has now become, and to make it the important resource into which it has developed for our Institute. Faith is the very basis of Ernesto?s life. The reality of faith along with great love for our mission and our Marist Brothers? way of life provides him with a solid structure upon which to work with the Brothers of his Province and to exercise an effective administration.

The Brothers of the Generalate community will be able to enjoy a few more days of Brother Ernesto?s presence among us as he brings to a close his final activities here in Rome. The community will surely be conscious of a void in its midst as Ernesto takes leave. We offer our heartfelt best wishes for his new mission, hoping that his new task will be full of happy moments and filled as well with the Lord?s richest blessings.


Let us go to meet the young people!...


A personal reflection...