Brothers and Laity together
The El Refugio Conference Centre hosted 30 brothers and laity coming from different regions of Colombia, to reflect in small groups about the different events and processes which have influenced Marist life in the year just finishing.
It began with the first workshop of vocational accompaniment animated by Cristina Angel, who during the first semester of 2014 prepared for it in Guatemala, at the course for vocational animators run by the CEFAS Institute. Then, Claudia Rojas shared the experience of the II International Marist Mission Assembly held in Nairobi- Kenya. Our meeting could not do without the presence of Br Ismar Portilla, who presented the third module of the Diploma in Biblical Studies.
Also among us, sharing in a familiar and simple way, was Br José María Amigo of the Province of Ibérica.
A special occasion for us was the visit of Br Libardo Garzón who came to say farewell before the Provincial Chapter and his subsequent trip to Rome where he will live as Econome General.
Finally, we commended to the Lord Consuelo Manrique, Ivanna Garzón, Br Javier Echeverri, Br Juan Pablo Marín, who will represent us at the V Provincial Chapter to be held in Quito from 12 to 17 December, when Br César Rojas Carvajal will be installed as Provincial.
Marist animators