2014-03-26 GENERAL HOUSE

Brothers and lay people

More than 50 lay persons and brothers are meeting in Rome from 26 to 29 March to reflect on Lay Association and Belonging. The meeting has been promoted by Br Emili Turu, Superior General, with the collaboration of the Secretariat of the Laity. Three Congregations (Marianists, Salesians and Scolopians) have been invited to present on their experiences in this area. The dynamic of the meeting will help the Institute visualize possible ways for the future, providing some recommendations for the General Council and the Administrative Units.


  Nome Province/function
01 H. Emili Turú Superior general
02 Br Joe Mc Kee Vicario general
03 Ir. Antonio Ramalho Consejero general
04 H. Josep Maria Soteras Consejero general
05 H. Eugène Kabanguka Consejero General
06 H. Michael De Waas Consejero General
07 H. Javier Espinosa Secretariado de Laicos
08 H. César Rojas Secretariado Hermanos Hoy
09 Br P.J. McGowan West Central Europe
10 H. Óscar Martín Vicario Compostela
11 Da. Maria do Carmo Nunes Maciel Compostela
12 D. Roberto González Alonso Compostela
13 Br Jeff Crowe Australia
14 Mr Joe McCarthy Australia
15 Ir. Alexandre Lobo Lucena Brasil Centro Norte
16 Sr. Eder D’Artagnan Brasil Centro Norte
17 Fr Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa Madagascar
18 Br Nicholas Fernando South Asia
19 Br Paul S. Bhatti South Asia
20 H. Alfonso de Jesús Fernández México Central
21 Sr Pedro Manuel Chinchilla Sandoval México Central
22 H. Samuel Holguín Ibérica
23 Sra Ana Sarrate Ibérica
24 Sr José Mª Pérez-Soba Ibérica
25 Sra Zunilda Silva   Paraguay
26 Br Ben Consigli USA
27 Br Roy George USA
28 Br John Klein USA
29 Fr. Maurice Berquet L’Hermitage
30 Fr. Jaume Parès L’Hermitage
31 Sra. Marta Portas L’Hermitage
32 Sr. Christophe Schietse L’Hermitage
33 H. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez América Central
34 Sra Nohemy Pinto América Central
35 Br Jude Pieterse Southern Africa
36 Mr Alan Barbeau Southern Africa
37 Ir. Benê Oliveira Brasil Centro Sul
38 Sr João Luis Fedel Gonçalves Brasil Centro Sul
39 Mme Linda Corbeil Canada
40 Mme Véronique Dumais Canada
41 Fr. Gérard Bachand Canada
42 Fr. Bernard Beaudin Canada
43 H. José Kuhm Cruz del Sur
44 Sr. Marcos Denevi Cruz del Sur
45 H. Juan Miguel Anaya Mediterránea
46 H. Ventura Pérez Mediterránea
47 Sig Sabatino Abbate Mediterránea
48 Sr. José Antonio Buenfil Guillermo México Occidental
49 H. Iván Buenfil México Occidental
50 Sra. Nadxielii Ruvalcaba Ruiz México Occidental
51 Br. Joachim Ezetulugo Nigeria
52 Miss Juliana Agbazue Nigeria
53 H. Libardo Garzón Norandina
54 H. Pau Fornells Norandina
55 H. Patricio Pino Santa María de los Andes
56 Sra. Eliana Rojas Santa María de los Andes
57 Sr Pep Buetas Secretariado de Laicos
58 H. Miguel Angel Espinosa Secretariado de Misión

36 Hermanos / Brothers
22 Laicos /Lay:  12 lay men and 10 lay women


To be Brothers Today...


Marking the way for education and development...