Brothers of the South America Region Gather in Florianópolis
Between April 28 and May 2, the Regional Encounter of 45 Brothers between the ages of 46 and 60 from the five provinces of the Region was held at the Champagnat Retreat House in Florianópolis, Brazil. The theme of the meeting was our spirituality and ways of strengthening regional cooperation.
The main topics discussed were the deepening of our daily personal encounters with God, the development of our experience as Brothers in the same region, recalling our First Love (God’s Call) and our commitment to being creators of brotherhood by becoming passionate witnesses living a full and happy life.
We were blessed with the presence of Fr. Vilson Groh, who addressed the idea de living in Florianópolis like the community of Montserrat, with a high level of vulnerability. We also experienced immersion in the local culture. Fr. Groh also invited us to build community and connection through attention to small gestures in our daily lives. He stressed that “the beauty of life is not found at the starting point or the conclusion, but along the way where encounters are experienced.”
There was also time for reflection on the Theology of Consecrated and Fraternal Life, entitled “Brother, Simply Brother”, led by Friar Edimar Fernando Moreira.
According to the contact Brother Provincial of the Region, Br. Inacio Etges, the five days of dialogue were important for living group brotherhood. “An atmosphere of enthusiasm and renewal of commitment of Marist Religious Consecration was palpable during the week.” And for the Executive Secretary of the South America Region, Br. Alberto Guillermo Aparicio, the program provided occasions for exchange and integration of ideas among the participants. He concluded, “Each moment contributed to the whole and on the final day, we had time to review our Life Project.”