Brothers’ Retreat in Fuenteheridos, Province of Mediterránea
From August 1 to 6, a total of 22 friars were able to reflect, share, deepen their understanding of fraternal life and enjoy the beautiful setting of Fuenteheridos in the mountains of Huelva, Spain. The theme was “Being Brothers so that fraternity may grow in the world” and the retreat was animated by Br. Óscar Martín, General Councilor.
It was a retreat for the Province of Mediterránea, but also open to the participation of other Brothers from Europe. Brother Provincial, Aureliano García, was also present and shared some days with the Brothers, and some presentations and dialogues. Br. Juan Miguel Anaya, Province Bursar, also visited and shared with the group.
Here are two testimonies of Brothers who participated.
Brother Óscar centered his interventions on three axes: fraternity, spirituality and mission. He presented these aspects of Marist life in a harmonious way, following the guidelines of the Constitutions. The idyllic setting of Villa Onuba helped to create a peaceful atmosphere that favored reflection, group work and prayer (Br. José Delgado).
We brothers have had the opportunity to enjoy, reflect and pray about our being brothers…. My brother tells me “Wherever you go…” but I also tell him “Wherever you go…” through fraternity, spirituality and mission… It is necessary in these days to recreate the heritage of “being a brother”, harmonizing the three aspects. It is nothing new, but it is always good to remember it and above all to revive it in our daily journey. It is necessary that in our communities we live a visible and credible fraternity with our wonderful and, also, less wonderful companions. Christ-Brother calls us, invites us to the Feast of the Fraternity (Br. Antonio Quintanal).