Building a New Beginning
The province of Brasil Sul – Amazonia held its first provincial chapter ever in Veranópolis from Dec. 7 – 11.
The province was established on Dec. 8 after the Amazonia district joined with the Rio Grande do Sul province, which include the three geographic locations of Rio Grande do Sul, Amazonia and Brasilia.
Superior general Brother Emili Turú and general councillor Brother Víctor Preciado participated to show support to the new beginning on behalf of the general government.
Participants were placed in 10 tables to facilitate interaction and participation. The chapter began by detailing the route of the district and of the province in the last three years.
The Chapter then addressed the strategic planning of the administrative unit for the next three years. The projects were analysed by perspectives: human development and learning, internal processes, institutional image and relations, and sustainability.
The approved proposal includes projects that encompass accompanying Brothers and communities, the formation of the laity, synergy between projects, the guidelines of evangelisation and Marist presence.
On Dec. 10, the capitulants chose six councillors that, together with the provincial Brother Inacio Etges, will lead the province for the next three years. They are Brothers Deivis Alexander Fischer, Evilázio Francisco Borges Teixeira, Lauro Francisco Hochscheidt, Manuir José Mentges, Odilmar José Civa Fachi and Sebastião Antônio Ferrarini.
Time was also given to listen to the laity, collaborators and youth.
“Here we reinforce the sense of being Marist Laity of Champagnat,” stated Suely Reis, representative of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family. “I leave here strengthened to share and contribute to Champagnat’s mission.”
The chapter ended with recommendations for Brothers, laity, the provincial council and the mission areas. It is recommended to live the Marist charism in depth and with commitment, being protagonists in the mission.
More information on the chapter can be found at http://maristas.org.br/capituloprovincial/noticias-do-capitulo-provincial