2018-03-23 MEXICO

Building bridges with future horizons

Brothers Gerard Bachand (Canada), Patrick McNamara (United States), José Sánchez (México Central), Miguel Santos (México Occidental), Hipólito Pérez (América Central) and César Rojas (Norandina) met at the provincial house of México Central in Mexico City, from March 1 – 3, for the first meeting of provincials of the Arco Norte region since the 22nd General Chapter.

Vicar general Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez accompanied the provincials.

This meeting was part of a reflection process and a preparation of a strategic plan that leads to the consolidation of the Arco Norte as a region.


Implementation team of the Arco Norte region

For this reason, and prior to the meeting of provincials, the implementation team of the Arco Norte region met on Feb. 27 and 28 in the same place, to review the progress of the smaller teams (vocational animation, formation, good practices and economy), evaluate the progress in the regional walk and present a proposal of strategic planning to the region’s provincials.

The team is formed by Brothers Félix Roldán (Canada), Albert Rivera (United States), Raúl Lara (México Occidental), Justino Gómez (México Central), Mariano Morantes (Norandina), Gregorio Linacero (América Central) and, on behalf of the general administration, Luca Olivari and Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas (Secretariat of Mission).

On March 1, a meeting was held between the implementation team and the provincials to present a strategic planning proposal that consolidates collaboration processes and creates an awareness of a joint path as a region in the areas of Marist life, mission, economy and services. The meeting was very fruitful for the dialogues, searches and advances that are perceived. The provincials valued this work very positively and congratulated the implementation team for the excellent work done.


Encounter of Provincials

The Meeting of Provincials continued the following days with a busy schedule. They lived a great spirit of fraternity, trust and common search, in a space that we all valued as an authentic oasis, being able to share the reality of our provinces and express the difficulties and joys that we live every day in our mission of animation and government.

On this search path we ask ourselves some fundamental questions: how do we see ourselves in 2026? Do we consider that we will be the same provinces, or will we undergo some transformation in this regard? How can we manage, integrate and harmonize local animation with regional animation? What are the necessary structures in order to be able to promote these initiatives? …

As provincials, we decided to continue advancing in the regionalisation process and the Arco Norte Regional Committee was appointed to give continuity to the strategic planning. It will be made up of people from each province – Brothers and laity – and will attend the different areas of animation: Marist life, mission and economy and management.

Among the topics discussed in the meeting, the following stand out: conversations with Brother Luis Carlos about information, orientation and initiatives in relation to the Institute; the reflection on the journey of the East Harlem community (United States) and the strengthening of the formation processes, in particular, the initiative of the Provinces of México Central and México Occidentalto participate in a great Interprovincial Novitiate project based on the experience of the La Valla Interprovincial Novitiate in Medellín, Colombia.

Some common and collaborative initiatives were approved in the Arco Norte: MCFM coordinators meeting from Aug. 19 – 24 in Guatemala, organized by the Secretariat of the Laity; course of charism and Marist pedagogical principles by the Universidad Marista de Curitiba; a workshop on the protection and defense of minors; a workshop for our middle-aged Brothers and meeting management and development of solidarity projects with the collaboration of the NGO SED of Spain.

The Brothers José Sánchez and Alberto Aparicio (Provincial of Cruz del Sur), as coordinators of the Arco Norte and América-Sur regions, have been asked to revise the statutes of the CIAP (Inter-American Conference of Provincials) and to study the suitability of the continuity of the network of solidarity and network of Marist spirituality in the Continent. We appreciate the great welcome and gestures of fraternity lived in the México Central province and the generosity of the Canada province in organising the next meeting of provincials in Quebec, that will take place from Nov. 1 – 3.


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